Oct 1, 2010

BlogtoberFest Beginnings

blogtoberfest ~ day 1

Of course, I'm so out of it that I didn't even realize my idea to post everyday in October in order to jumpstart my blog again ALREADY EXISTED. So how great to open my blogroll and find that many great minds have the same idea--post every day in October.

You see, I've been lamenting the absolute boredom on my blog and trying to figure out how to post regularly. The main problem is I wanted a sewing blog but my life has little room for sewing, hence little content. What if I expand it to include, like, I don't know, my life?

So here it goes, blogtoberfest, a nice kick in the pants to just plain share. I'm pretty sure my life isn't quite as boring as my blog has been in the last 6 months. And there will still be a bit of sewing.

  • the blogosphere--I love the swaps and the blogs that make a positive community
  • the potential for frost this weekend--and a chance to put away the kleenex
  • a quiet morning to myself, even it I'm doing laundry


kg said...

Good to see you out here!

(my word verification: o mess!
which would be the reason not much sewing is getting done at my house!)

Vic said...

Happy Blogtoberfest, it's going to be FUN!

Chasing Purple Dreams said...

I hope Blogtober inspires you into a new rhythm with your blogging!

Sandra said...

If you had a place for followers to sign up on your blog I'd love to stay in touch:)