blogtoberfest 31
The sunbeams stream forward , dawn boys,
with shimmering shoes of yellow.
~ Mescalero Apache Song
So you see, imagination needs moodling - long, inefficient, happy idling, dawdling and puttering. --Brenda Ueland
"Satisfaction is the paralysis of the church. While relentless grace works to take us further, we are all too satisfied just where we are." ~Paul Tripp, Twitter Post
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.
I'm grateful today for awesome kids, both at home and at church. Sometimes it is so easy to be cynical about teenagers (or maybe we are just embarrassed remembering our own teenage attitudes), but I have really enjoyed time yesterday and today with these guys. Our youth group hosted fellowship today, brought yummy treats and were just plain pleasant to be around. Tonight: we go to the Haunted House, somewhere I would not have gone on my own. My thanks for this fellowship!Thou that hast given so much to me,Give one thing more, a grateful heart.Not thankful when it pleaseth me,As if they blessings had spare days;But such a heart, whose pulse may be thy praise.~ George Herbert